Dominant Field

Dominant field

About Us

About Us

Kaima Law Group is a business law firm founded mainly by Canadian lawyers and Chinese lawyers and established and operated in accordance with the standards of international law firms. As one of the few professional team law firms in the industry dedicated to corporate operations, the law firm's management system and service model have the ability to integrate and organize resources within and outside China and Canada, and can be tailored to different industries, scales and the growing stage of the company provides a complete "one-stop, menu-style" service. With professional services and professionalism, Kaima Law Group has achieved remarkable results in cross-border M&A, intellectual property, investment and trade affairs and other professional legal services. It owns China Railway Real Estate, Hong Kong X. J. Group and Mudanjiang Hengfeng Paper Co. Ltd.. And many other perennial customers, the field involves engineering, finance, real estate, IT, pharmaceutical, petroleum, chemical, automotive and other industries.
Note: In order to protect privacy of our client, some information is hidden but does not affect the authenticity of the case.

Kai Ma was interviewed by CBC

Abstract: The number of Chinese in Canada is increasing, and the number of Chinese entering various


The lecture at McGill University Faculty of Law

与中国打交道的风险与回报, 从法律角度中国的投资商的投资行为 ---麦吉尔法学院教授与魁北克知名律师共同在麦吉尔法学院给学生讲解 加拿大自1950年以来加拿大的外国投资主要是来自于欧洲和美国,
